Institute of Physics is a public research institute of Republic of Croatia which is dedicated solely to the scientific research in the field of physics. One of the main research activities at the Institute is experimental research in condensed matter physics performed at very low temperatures and in high magnetic field. The Institute is equipped with unique infrastructure and scientific equipment which enables the research in this field. The implementation of the KaCIF project will allow the continuity as well as widening of the existing research, while simultaneously adding to the quality, excellence and competitiveness in scientific research at the international level.
Future development of research and technologies at the Institute of Physics after the implementation of the Cryogenic Centre at the Institute of Physics can be summed up through the following research subjects:
- Advanced electronic materials
- Magnetism and magnetic properties of new materials
- Complex metallic alloys
- Structure at mesoscale and materials’ properties
Through the KaCIF project a new Prototype workshop will be established with aim to give unique support to the future scientific and research activities at the Institute of Physics. The prototype workshop will open possibilities to develop technologically oriented projects through which young researchers will be employed. The prototype workshop is designed as an auxiliary unit which will allow the researchers to be introduced to the cryogen-free technologies and the technical possibilities as well as limitations with regard to the methodology of our experimental techniques. Prototype workshop will be used to design and test prototypes for measuring equipment, mostly of magnetic properties, in cryogen-free environment and also for designing prototypes for cryogenic electronics for electrical measurements, with the aim in supporting start-ups.